
3 Changes I'm Making For A Happier Life

3 changes I'm making for happier life and you can do too! 

1. Going to the gym two (ish) times a week

So far so good with this change! I Went to a local gym for a 45 minute spinning class on Tuesday. I've been to a few spinning classes before with friend, so I thought starting with a fitness class that I knew what to expect was the best start. 

Oh there's a few reasons for this change, I'll explain. I've a girls holiday coming up this summer and this means lots of pools, beaches and bikinis... Don't get me wrong I have no body issues and I'd be fine to wear a bikini how I look at the minute. However as I grow up Ive found that my belly area isn't so flat as it was when I was 15, I blame the countless Friday nights sitting in the local Mc. Donald's because we were too young for clubs. Oh I'm glad those awkward teenage years are over! 
Another reason is the free time I have at the minute. Yes I attend college four days a week, and work part time, however I do find myself having evenings and the odd afternoon in the weekend that I'm free and would be better spent moving and burning off fat, than eating my weight in Chocolate while watching hours of Netflix... A struggle i face on a daily basis haha

In my head I can see myself going to a few more spinning classes, then getting the confidence to try a new class, maybe yoga. I'll try to keep yous up to date with any gym/fitness updates. However I can't see myself buying a membership anytime soon.

2. Being in contact with my friends and family more 

Ok well this might sound a little extreme! With mobile phones; text, Snapchat and Whatapp group chats. And social media; facebook comments and messages, Instagram. It's difficult not to be in contact with your friends in some shape or form... 
But in general I want to make a efford to keep in contact with friends I don't see as often. I want to push myself to plan that lunch/shopping date with those friends ive been meaning to. The odd Snapchat, or Facebook comment isn't going to cut it!!

Also as I get older, I'm 18 haha, I understand that family is sooo important to surround yourself with. Friendships changes as you grow up but the love from your family never changes. Deep but true. Because of this reason im going to make sure that I pop around more often on the weekends, and take my younger cousins for days out. Great reason to watch the kid movies and eat sweets haha! 

3. Focus more on college
At the moment I am studying business and I have only until June till my two year course... This means April and May will full of work to be completed and deadlines to go with them. From experience from GCSE's, the sooner you start the better. If I give myself a hour or two each night that im not working I can stay on top of the work load, and maybe not have a melt down about how each class is due in the same week. Who's idea was that? 

I need to give up time and a few nights out this month and next, in order to get the work done, get the results and plan ahead. All very exciting, isn't it? Help me I haven't a clue what my next 'plan' is hahaha I'll be grand don't worry

Well they are my three changes for a happier, less streefull and more enjoyable life. I'd love to hear any changes that you guys have made or planning to make in the comments

Thanks for reading! H

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